Hope of the Gospel

*This is a stripped down version of a recent funeral message.  John 14:1-6 is the passage referenced.

Jesus told his disciples, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Unfortunately, many of us suffer from heart trouble. No, I’m not referring to a medical condition. Many of us let things of this world wear us down. Finances, the workplace, unrealized dreams cause us heart trouble. On a day like this one, the loss of a loved one gives us reason for heart trouble.

Yet, Jesus instructed the disciples and he instructs us, “Do not let you hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.” Jesus was not being insensitive in his statement. Rather his words carried great wisdom. Jesus knew he was returning to heaven to sit at the side of the Heavenly Father. And at the Father’s side Jesus waits for us to join him.

When a person realizes they have a place in heaven next to the Savior of the World and the Heavenly Father, they live with a sense of hope. And hope is a great cure for heart trouble.

In the midst of pain, grief, and loss – there is hope.

Perhaps you are like Thomas and ask, “Where is this place? How can we know the way?”

Well, Jesus answered that question. He clearly stated, “I am the way and the truth and the life.”

Do not let your hearts be troubled for Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.



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