Lazarus, Come out!

And once again Jesus’s words will be proven true by his ministry.  In John 11:43 Jesus calls to Lazarus, even though he’s been dead four days, “Lazarus, come out!”  Lazarus comes to life with his hands, feet, and face covered in his burial cloths.

You know what I love about that image?

Remember John 10?

Jesus describes himself as the good Shepherd.  In John 10:3 Jesus says the shepherd calls his sheep by name and leads them out.  Here is Jesus in John 11 calling Lazarus by name and leading him out of the tomb.  That should force anyone into deep and mature faith.

Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life.”

After he said this to Martha he asks an extremely pointed question:  Do you believe this?  She says, “Yes, Lord.  I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is come into the world.”

I ask you the same pointed question:

Do you believe this?

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